A Fair and Accessible System

I am committed to advocating for the continuation of the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts. I firmly oppose reinstating the marriage penalty, reducing the child tax credit, or maintaining the estate tax. Furthermore, I endorse the gradual elimination of the burdensome Alternative Minimum Tax and support the overhaul of our tax system. My goal is to enhance its accessibility and comprehensibility for all Americans.

Empowering Individuals: A Commitment to Rights and Freedom

I firmly believe that every individual in our state should have the right to work and make decisions about their own bodies. Policies, while important, should not be equated to law, and no one should be compelled into uncomfortable situations that impact their lifestyle and community.

Our platform champions the rights of children and young adults to attend schools and colleges without compromising their personal rights and religious beliefs. Additionally, I advocate for the immediate rehiring, with back pay, of those who were terminated for non-compliance with Covid policies.


Education Matters

The New York public school system is falling short in providing quality education for our students. As part of our platform, we advocate for the implementation of school choice and the promotion of parent options to enhance the educational experience.

Additionally, we believe in bringing back trade school instruction to empower future graduates with the skills needed for successful careers. Education should be a pathway to personal and professional fulfillment.

Another critical aspect of our platform focuses on preventing the hypersexualization of children in the classroom. Our commitment is to prioritize teaching critical thinking skills, guiding students to learn how to think independently rather than prescribing specific ideologies.

Putting Patients First

In our pursuit of healthcare reform, it's crucial to place medical decisions where they belong: in the hands of doctors, families, and patients, not government bureaucrats or insurance companies. To make high-quality care more accessible, I propose a series of reforms:

  1. Financial Assistance: Provide financial aid to those who cannot afford coverage, ensuring that everyone has access to essential healthcare.

  2. Health Savings Accounts: Expand options by introducing health savings accounts, empowering individuals to take control of their healthcare spending and decisions.

  3. Equal Coverage: Allow families and individuals to purchase coverage with the same advantages granted to businesses, promoting fairness and inclusivity in our healthcare system.

A Compassionate Approach

It's crucial to safeguard our animals and instill in society a deep appreciation for and protection of the most vulnerable among us. Adequate funding for shelters and investing in TNR (Trap-Neuter-Release) programs citywide is essential.

Animals can serve as a humane solution for pest control, eliminating the need for harmful chemicals that can impact our water table. Homeless shelters should be pet-friendly, recognizing the proven benefits of Support Pets in enhancing mental health.

A Holistic Approach

Many experiencing homelessness struggle with mental health and addiction issues. Shifting them between overcrowded shelters or expensive hotels without proper treatment isn't enough.

Placing them in residential areas creates safety concerns. We need specialized facilities for mental health support to address these issues effectively and provide the help they require.

A Commitment to Dignity

For far too long, our elderly population has been overlooked. We all will confront the challenges of aging, and as a society, it is our responsibility to safeguard the vulnerable.

Our elders deserve the means to age in the neighborhoods they helped shape, surrounded by the friends and family they cherish.

We are dedicated to taking neglect and abuse investigations seriously, ensuring the protection and dignity of our senior citizens.


Honoring Our Veterans: Unwavering Support

While it is imperative to provide steadfast support to our troops during their service, it is equally crucial to maintain unwavering assistance upon their return and during times of adversity. These brave individuals have made immense sacrifices to protect us, and it is our duty to offer them our utmost support. Our veterans deserve exceptional benefits and top-notch medical attention, especially when they return wounded after serving our country.

Ensuring Public Safety: A Call for Action

It is no secret that public safety in New York has declined, a direct consequence of misguided policies from our elected officials. Crime rates are on the rise, and the state of the subway system reflects challenges with homelessness and waste. Businesses face threats from shoplifting and theft.

Our platform emphasizes the urgent need for comprehensive public safety reforms. Together, let's address the root causes and implement effective solutions to build a safer and more secure New York for all.

Immigration Reform for a Secure America

I stand firmly against illegal immigration and amnesty for undocumented individuals. My approach to addressing the challenges posed by illegal immigration consists of three key components:

  1. Securing the Border: Implementing robust measures to secure our borders is essential for maintaining the integrity of our immigration system.

  2. Vigorous Law Enforcement: Enforcing our immigration laws vigorously is crucial to ensuring a fair and just process for all.

  3. Reforming the System: We need to reform the immigration system to benefit those who seek legal entry into our country. This involves promoting hard work, language acquisition, and successful integration as proud Americans.

While our nation has thrived as a land of immigrants, illegal immigration undermines fairness for those seeking lawful entry to the United States and poses a significant threat to our homeland security. Let's work together to achieve a balanced and secure immigration system for the benefit of our nation.